Yummy Body Butter

Oh my goodness! My friend, Dwight Constable, makeup artist extraordinaire, called me a while ago and said, “I’m starting my own skin care line!” Hmmm, makeup artist starts his own skin care line, shouldn’t that be he started a makeup line? Well, to put it in Constable’s own words, “The first step to good makeup is good skin care.” And, he is very correct!!

He gave me some samples and I’m going to review them here individually, because each product deserves it’s own space! We will start with the Body Butter. Made with raw Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, and Grapeseed Oil, it is elegantly delicious!! That hint of cocoa aroma is ah-mazing! Now, I already keep my legs very well moisturized, so I wanted to start with my problem area. My arms. Ugh. My arms. That crepey look is just not at all wonderful. Seriously, my legs are not crepey at all, however, they are covered with leggings most of the time! My arms are NOT covered all the time.

I began my regime of applying the delicious body butter on my arms (fearing I was going to be craving chocolate all day and that would cause an entirely different caloric situation). Mind you, it does waft a beautiful slight cocoa scent…that is gone in minutes! Yes, gone. I have other aroma based lotions, and I smell them ALL DAY (which is why I do not purchase sweets or fruity scents). This slight fragrance was gone before I even got to my Boucheron!

So, what did it do for my crepey arms? I marveled at how quickly the crepey went away, but my twice-thrice-quadrupled-infinity-times-fooled-by-lotions-and-body-creams self was hesitant to believe it would last. The first day, it didn’t. Same old, same old. The second day, I noticed it returned later in the day. About a week later, it lasted through to morning. I firmly believe (pun intended) that long term over my arms, it will improve the crepey completely. I have had one other product that took care of the crepey along the neck, but it was SUPER EXPENSIVE, and therefore, not sustainable. (Hence, why I have the problem, still.)

What does this prove? If you want good skin care, go to the best makeup artist you know and see what skin care line they have created. In my case (and it should now be yours), it is Constable Hollow Road’s Body Butter. It’s just amazing! I promise!!! You can see the Body Butter at https://chrbrands.com/shop/p/pencil-plant-7t37a , you can thank me later!

P.S. More to come!!!

Published by Carolyn Bendall

A fashion and image expert, presenting seminars, classes, and individual consultations. Monthly makeover column in the Commercial Appeal, hosts a radio show on fashion, beauty, image, and entertainment, writes a blog reviewing products with complete honesty, and trains image consultants from around the world.

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